The Weird Sisters Podcast

Ep.27 – I Want to Parkour but I Don’t Want to Get a BooBoo on My Vagina

In this episode, The Weird Sisters have a need to parkour but are hindered by flashbacks of OB/GYN visits, the moment a scraped knee is involved. 

Today, we say goodbye to the longest-standing TWSP recording studio, also known as Meagan’s apartment and possibly half of her couch as well. Being underprepared for a move is a given as are the clumps of pet fur and dried cat vomit beneath your furniture. Impressing your movers is a pipe dream. Let it be gross.

Kelsey’s version of maggot food is a mouthful of mold hummus, Haley’s version of mold hummus is weevil soup and Meagan’s version of weevil soup are spider grapes. What is your favorite food ruiner and how much did you ingest? 

This episode was inspired by: Brancott Sauvignon Blanc

Thank you to The Crying Day Care Choir for the use of their song, Fuck It I'm A Flower

June 25, 2022