The Weird Sisters Podcast

Ep.16 – Bills Are Trash, Everything Should Be Free!

In a world where post-boning rules as the god of conflict, The Weird Sisters navigate their arguments with their significant others and/or pick fights with cute baristas when they’re in the mood to take their big-girl pants off.

Not even a million dollars would empower us enough to survive in the anxiety game show. Especially if it involves breaking into every individual established conversation at a party or trying to place a hot pan down, literally anywhere, on a counter filled by hoarder-level clutter.

Everyone pretty much agrees that bewbs are great, including cleavage. The question is, why yes to chest cracks and no to butt cracks? 

Kelsey encounters a BSing public printing boi with a messiah complex while Meagan ends up becoming an actual savior to a public printing gurl.

This episode was inspired by: Decoy Cabernet Sauvignon - Angel’s Ink Pinot Noir - High Note Malbec

December 10, 2021